by (170 points)
It displays in code but doesn't displays in slider - so I cann't edit it.
<li><div class="img">{$content:img2:static}</div><div class="description">{$content:text2:static}</div></li>
it works on other 4 conteiners (image under the text) but in 1 place in lost

Best regards, Marina

1 Answer

by (1.1k points)
Hello Marina,

Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, the code you sent isn't sufficient to understand the problem.
Can you send us the link to the page so that we can investigate the code and styles?

Thank you,
SeoToaster Support
by (170 points)
Thank you for your answer!
our site main page slider banner in the middle
by (1.1k points)
Thank you for your reply, but we'll need to see this situation from the admin view. Could you please send us either the credentials to the admin panel or the saved copy of the page in the admin view to We guarantee full confidentiality.