Today a get an error when i try to install my website.
Important! Make sure you turn OFF Magic quotes, either with the htacces that comes with the package or in your PHP.ini (Otherwise you will get a bunch of'\' in the templates when loading themes).
Optional but recommended: IonCube Loader
We've detected that your web server is not equipped with the Ion Cube encryption loader. Don't settle for less than the entire Seotoaster experience! Seotoaster uses IonCube to encrypt great time-saving plug-ins available on the marketplace, get your website instantly setup with free real-time web analytics, create a KML file so that your local business can be found online. It is free and easy to download and install IonCube. Do it or contact your web host to do it for you. (download and install IonCube loader)
So anybody can tell me how to fix it. Thank