I use the seotoaster V2.0.4 with Ioncube loader.
Apache2 and sendmail (exim4) is configured correctly.
I can send mails by the PHP Function mail().
Why the login retrive form is not working?
After the Message: "We've sent an email to *** containing a temporary url that will allow you to reset your password for the next 24 hours. Please check your spam folder if the email doesn't appear within a few minutes."
I cannot find any mail in my inbox or spam folder.
I use the theme Insurance_full.
I do not use the SMTP Option in the E-Mail-Settings (manage config).
I cannot find any erros in the Apache-Error-Log or EXIM4-Error-Log.
In the MySQL table user is stored the correct mail address.
In the MySQL table password_reset_log is stored a token_hash for the correct user.
In the MySQL table config is stored the correct admin mail.