Ive tried everything, Ive tried disable through htaccess and php.in and nothing is working.
Im stuck at start with 1 error
Checking Server Requirements
Your server needs to meet the minimum requirements configuration in order to run the toaster.
Web server: Apache2, Nginx. Any web server that can do re-writes and support php should work too (not tested).
mod_rewrite module: For Apache 2 only
PHP 5.3.3 or higher
PDO extension for PHP
MBString: Works with any language
GD Libaries 2.0 or newer: Works with images
Zip extension for PHP: Permit themes management through the interface
Curl extension for PHP: 3rd party services connection: Google, Yahoo, PayPal, etc.
Important! Make sure you turn OFF Magic quotes, either with the htacces that comes with the package or in your PHP.ini (Otherwise you will get a bunch of'\' in the templates when loading themes).
Checking file system permissions
Some folders need to be writable to allow the toaster to function properly.
Folder /seotoaster_core/application/configs/ is writable
Folder cache/ is writable
Folder media/ is writable
Folder plugins/ is writable
Folder previews/ is writable
Folder themes/ is writable
Folder feeds/ is writable
Folder tmp/ is writable
File system/coreinfo.php is writable
File robots.txt is writable
How do I disable this so I can install?