by (420 points)
Moving to a new server that will not run my current version.  How can I upgrade the database to 3.6 to run the new software?  Best yet, tell me there is no change and that the 3.6 will use my current database!

1 Answer

by (5.4k points)
Hello  Russ Thomas,

What is your current toaster version? It is possible that a just update with standard functionality will be successful (Main menu - Other - Update). First, please make a backup of the entire website and database.

Best regards, Pavel.
by (420 points)
I am using version 2.4.1 on an old server, which might not even support the requirements of 3.6.

How much trouble will I cause if I replace the 3.6 database on the new server with the 2.4.1 database, and then try to do the update to 3.6?
by (5.4k points)
Hello  Russ Thomas,

Before updating, make sure that your environment meets the system requirements of Seotoaster 3.6.0. Otherwise, you may break your website.

Best regards, Pavel.
by (420 points)
There is no concern about the new server meeting the requirements because I already have a test site running on it.  I am asking about replacing that database with the one from the 2.4.1 version, and then trying to do the update.  Will that work, or will I not even be able to open the site due to incompatibilities between the old and new database structures?
by (5.4k points)
Why don't you just update the website from version 2.4.1 to the latest? Why do you need to replace the database?
by (420 points)
Good questions!  I really want to move the website to the new server.  The old server does not have the latest resource programs Seotoaster 3.6 needs to run, and the old server is not upgradeable at this point.
by (5.4k points)
Hello  Russ Thomas,

You can just move your old site to a new server and update it. In this case, there is no need to make any database replacements.

Best regards, Pavel.