Hello, everyone
I use flexkit.
The following code is in the news room.html
<section class="flex_9" role="main">
<!-- news list -->
<article class="news-item">
<time class="news-item-date small block mb10px" datetime="{$news:publishat:Y-m-d}">
<i class="icon-calendar2 icon16"></i>
{$news:publishat: M d, Y}
<a class="news-item-image text-center flex_3 f-alpha" href="{$news:url}">
<img src="{$news:preview}" alt="{$news:title:inline}" loading="lazy"/>
<a class="news-item-title large flex_9 f-omega mb10px" href="{$news:url}">{$news:title}</a>
<p class="news-item-description flex_9 f-omega mb10px">{$news:teaser}</p>
<p class="news-item-tags small cl-both text-right">{$news:tags}</p>
The following code is completely ignored
<article class="news-item">
<time class="news-item-date small block mb10px" datetime="{$news:publishat:Y-m-d}">
<i class="icon-calendar2 icon16"></i>
{$news:publishat: M d, Y}
<a class="news-item-image text-center flex_3 f-alpha" href="{$news:url}">
<img src="{$news:preview}" alt="{$news:title:inline}" loading="lazy"/>
<a class="news-item-title large flex_9 f-omega mb10px" href="{$news:url}">{$news:title}</a>
<p class="news-item-description flex_9 f-omega mb10px">{$news:teaser}</p>
<p class="news-item-tags small cl-both text-right">{$news:tags}</p>
How can I design the newsroom.
I want him to look like this
Can one create several news rooms?
Best regards