Hi everyone,
I have installed Seotoaster and i get an error when trying to add or to edit a template "An error occurred - Application error". Other functions are working fine.
I also noticed that Seatoaster shows a blank screen with PHP version 7.4 or 8 but works with version 7.3. I wonder if it's normal. I am using the O2switch webhosting.
Thank you in advance for your answers.

1 Answer

by (5.4k points)
Hello Jerome,

We are currently support only php7.2 In the nearest future we are going to add support for the php7.4.
You can just switch php version on this hosting.

Thank you.

Thank you Pavel, I checked and it works with php 7.2, no error anymore. The only problem is my wiki doesn't work now as it needs a php 7.3 or above.
Do you know when the 7.4 will be available if it's not a secret ?
by (5.4k points)
Hello Jerome,

A release is planned for September 1, which will include support for a newer version of PHP, as well as many new interesting features.

Consider deploying other services on different subfolders or subdomain in your hosting and/or use our hosting services located at where we will maintain/update the system to the newest unreleased stable versions in between official releases, daily backups, security and unlimited priority support.

Regards, Pavel.
Hello Pavel,
Thank you for your answer. I will ask for a budget to the president of my association president. I try to make a convincing website model on my own hosting before transfering it. I think you also have an agency in France i could call : SearchBooster with Olivier Maurin, one of your founding partner. It's sometimes not that easy to use the right parameters. Like here : it doesn't work, it's like the widcart plugin has to be installed, i don't where to find it,
Regards, Jerome
by (1.7k points)
Hi Jerome,

You can find a list of tokens for the website and emails here;

As for the ones built into the Website ID card, the WIDcard is available with the SuperAdmin credentials on  your install as the last item on your Control Panel.

Use it also to connect and create a free account with SeoSamba's Marketing OS and your website domain should appear in the account of the marketing automation system immediately.

Check out our user guides at for all of our products