Engage with Web CMS SEOTOASTER
Toastmasters These folks rock, and they look out for you. They help the local seotoaster community with translated interfaces and expertise with their respective markets.
SeoToaster License SeoToaster is released under GPL ver 3. You have the freedom to access and modify the source code of SeoToaster
You can keep these modifications to yourself, improve the program by making your modifications available to the community, and even get paid for it. -
Manifesto Imagine a content revision system so intuitive that your grandmother prefers it to Bingo. A website builder so easy to use that you no longer need to bribe your little nephew for help.
SeoToaster is all that and much more! -
Join The Effort Put your creativity to work with the most recent OOP framework. SeoToaster introduces a new paradigm: Complete inline management for a better user experience.
Easy & Unbreakable Design SeoToaster is a modern, powerful CMS coupled with an advanced e-commerce system where design is at the center of the experience.
Ideal for directory websites, and easy to use even by novice clients with its in-line editor, it will keep both developers and editors stress-free. -
Website Developers Based on PHP 5, MySQL 5, & Zend, SeoToaster is full OOP e-commerce CMS with a tight core. We ship with Jquery, in-line user editing, and a concise new gen admin interface.
Free SeoToaster Training Webinar Enroll with our free weekly online seminars (45 / 60 mns) and become a SeoToaster expert.
Qualified web developers, intermediary level web designers, and beginners are all welcome! -
Develop Plugins & Apps Learn how to develop powerful widgets, plugins, and apps.
You can then submit simple add-ons and widgets for inclusion to the extension marketplace, and get handsomely rewarded for more advanced plugins and apps. -
Thank You Any purchase help funds the development of SeoToaster as a free and open source solution.
If you recognize the large amount of work that went into SeoToaster you have multiple ways to show us your love & gratitude. -
Q & A support Ask questions and receive answers from the SeoToaster Team and other members of the community.
Help Translate SeoToaster We welcome every effort to help the communitiy. Why not participate to SeoToaster's localization efforts?
All you need to do is to pick a screen and translate various items right there on the page. -
Business to Consumer Websites Examples Operating an Ass-kicking B2C websites on your own is easy with SeoToaster.
Sure you save thousands of dollars on consulting with our built-in SEO done the right way, but on top of it, you get the most flexible B2C E-commerce system out there to display product lists in one single click. -
Forum The SeoToaster Forum welcomes all SeoToaster users, designers, and developers.
This is where you can exchange ideas, share your know-how with the community, or get help about anything and everything.