We Love You Too

Any purchase helps fund the development of SeoToaster, and to keep it as a free and open source solution. If you'd like to recognize the amount of hard work that went into SeoToaster, there are multiple ways to show us your support.

You can donate to help develop further our great software, promote SeoToaster on your website or blog or send us a testimonial. Simple thank you notes can also go a long way with all those that work hard everyday to make sure everyone is enjoying using SeoToaster as much as we enjoy building it.

Thanks for using SeoToaster, and yes, we love you, too!

Donate, It's Good Toaster Karma

Would you like to help us augment development pace for your favorite content management system? You can donate $8 a month (that's two of these huge coffee drinks), or a one-time donation of your choosing;
$8 a month donation: 2 coffee drinks yum - thanks !


Are you a public company? Great, contribute $80 a month, and we'll recognize your ongoing contribution on our supporter page with a paragraph and a link back to your website.


Are you a private company? We love you too! Contribute $30 a month and we'll also recognize your ongoing contribution on our supporter page with a paragraph and a link back to your website.

Promote SeoToaster, Make The World Better

Thanks for pasting any of these logos or banners anywhere on your website or blog, with a link pointing to www.seotoaster.com if you feel we deserve your support.

And if you'd rather get paid for it, we invite you to discover our fantastic SeoToaster Affiliate Program.


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