by (120 points)
How can i edit my shortcuts html like "{$content:right3} " or "{$content:header}"  where is the locate "right3" html or header html?

1 Answer

by (5.4k points)
Hello Muzaffar Ali,

In order to edit the html styles of containers like "{$content:right3} " or "{$content:header}" you need to go to the admin panel Layout → Edit this template and find this part in your code.

Best regards,
SeoToaster Support Team
by (120 points)
Thanks for reply.
I check this but here also shows that shortcut like {$content:right3} :(
Can you tell me in which file that shortcuts created or located?
by (5.4k points)
You can find all available shortcuts in the SeoToaster documentation

Best regards,
SeoToaster Support Team
by (120 points)
Thanks for the reply.
But i want his html