Any number of products, tags, options
SeoToaster is certainly among the most flexible e-commerce design solution on the market today.
Thanks to its speed optimized core and functionalities such as built-in media server, there's no known limit to what a correctly engineered server running SeoToaster can support.
SeoToaster lets you categorize your products with an unlimited number of tags that you freely associate with your products.
You can then easily design and insert great looking product lists by selecting tags while organizing your store pages navigation, just like with any other content page.
How To List Products On A Page With SeoToaster
Unlimited Number Of Products & Page Layouts
While other shopping carts require juggling with nightmarish .tpl templating systems, developers involvement with template design, SeoToaster lets you work designs using regular CSS3 and HTML5 just like for any other page on your website.
Easily design any number of landing page templates to be used by one or many products in your catalogue.
In addition to the product template design editor, you can easily perfect individual pages to suit your immediate needs without having to call for the help from a designer (much less a developer).
Simply open your content editor, and create a list of related products or accessories to add to your product landing page or add any of the powerful widgets including image galleries, forms, slide shows, Facebook social comment systems, or any other content to your product pages in a few clicks thanks to the contextual in-line visual editor.
Even better, designing a multi-product landing page is within the reach of anyone with basic technical skills thanks to the flexible "addtocart" shortcuts.
Just modify it to read "addtocart:all" (described in more details on the Ecommerce product display page) and you've added a powerful functionality to your page.
Implement Cross-selling, Up-selling & Social Reviews
Add related items to your product card, and these items can be easily listed on your product landing pages or anywhere on your site.
Of course, you have total control over the look & feel of these lists & widgets, just like for anything else with SeoToaster.
Product reviews are a great way to instill confidence in your store. When product reviews go social, they're also a great way to promote your store.
Adding a Facebook-powered product review commenting system on your product pages is as easy as pie with SeoToaster.
Improve SEO Performance With Navigation & Silos
SeoToaster offers unlimited navigation options thanks to the power of the underlying CMS combined with the flexibility of the product catalog taxonomy and unlimited design abilities offered by the HTML 5 and CSS 3 styling.
Since you freely host and associate products throughout pages, you can easily select single or multi-product landing pages to be part of the dynamic flat navigation menu, just like any other non-e-commerce enabled page from your website.
You can also categorize a product landing page as part of the dynamic hierarchical menu grouping pages together. For instance:
Our Widgets - Red widget - Blue widget - ... |
You can also add a breadcrumb navigation in one click by pulling the "useful shortcuts" pull down found at the top of your general content editor (yellow C). You can also tag pages and build menus out of these just as easily.
In addition SeoToaster is the only CMS and E-commerce solution featuring point & click silo building for pages using a recognized link sculpting technique.
Especially useful for web stores with large quantity of diverse products, silos can be ethically used to help your product catalogue gain clarity for crawlers while keeping your site fully accessible to your end-users.
SEO Sculpting & Siloing With SeoToaster
Manage Your Entire Online Store Catalogue Mass Actions
SeoToaster ships with a powerful customizable back-end store catalog management area. This back-end offers both a view on sales, orders, client quote requests management and actionable controls over your entire product catalog through a powerful search engine, filtered views and mass action triggers.
In addition to the usual product modifications that can be gracefully perform using the add/edit product menu when browsing your own website, the store back-end area offers a powerful mass product management interface. From this area, count just one minute to add or delete a product tag, modify pricing or tax classification across thousands of products.
Feel free to checkout our demo install or peruse a few case studies.
More Great Features To Manage Your Online Store
E-commerce Store Dashboard Get critical data and charts for your e-commerce operations at a glance. Store dashboards can be customized at will by uploading new dashboard themes to your free and open source SeoToaster Ecommerce install.
Sales Dashboard Default reporting capabilities includes sales and quotes count, along with the average order amount; as well as sales breakdown by customer, by product type, brand, tags, and location.
Web Quote System SeoToaster integrates a powerful web-based quoting engine ideal for handling "complex sales" scenarios. In today's B2B website marketing, your ability to provide online instant or rapid quotes to your website visitors is critical to the online sales ...
Client Area SeoToaster Ecommerce offers a great online client area where web store owners can manage orders, and customers get access to their past and current order's shipping status.
Order Management A comprehensive order management system at your fingertips. Instant at-a-glance access, rapid search, powerful filters, with an ability to trigger emails automatically.
Catalog Management Store back-end area offers a powerful mass product management interface. From this area, count just one minute to add or delete a product tag, modify pricing or tax classification across thousands of products as required.