Things to know and do before installing SeoToaster CMS

To install SeoToaster CMS manually, you need a few basic things ready:

  1. A working web server and PHP server following the minimum requirements on your domain URL 

  2. The most current version of SeoToaster CMS

  3. An up-to-date web browser

Additional recommendations for SeoToaster CMS

Turning off Magic Quotes

We also recommend you TURN OFF Magick Quotes to avoid '\' in templates when loading themes or modifying templates inline.

To do so, create a php.ini file with the lines bellow (some hosting providers such as GoDaddy require that you create a custom php5.ini and place it in the root of your domain).

magic_quotes_gpc = Off
magic_quotes_runtime = Off
magic_quotes_sybase = Off


Changing file/folder permission on a Unix/Linux system is called a "CHMOD". You can find an explanation of file permissions here. Giving them "write permission" is called "doing a CHMOD 755" or "a CHMOD 775", depending on the host.

Using CHMOD 777

Some hosts might require you to use CHMOD 777, although it is not recommended for anything more than this one-time need.

If you have to use CHMOD 777 in order to install SeoToaster CMS, make sure to switch to a safer setting (775, 755 or even 644) once you are done installing.

Ioncube loader

SeoToaster CMS uses Ioncube anytime you need to add plugins. Ioncube is installed on most web servers by default, but do not worry: our installer will automatically check for it, and tell you if it's missing.

Click here if you need to install Ioncube on your web server.

Installing SeoToaster manually is easy as 1-2-3

The basic process to install SeoToaster CMS manually is straightforward following 3 easy steps. 

  1. Download the compressed file and unzip it on your web server.

  2. Go to your domain URL - installation process will start automatically.

  3. Follow the automatic wizard through to its completion, as illustrated below.

The login page is at: your-domain-url/go

TUTORIAL: SeoToaster Manual Installation


VIDEO: SeoToaster CMS installation

SeoToaster installation guides