by (420 points)
After a smooth installation, and entering and saving the Website ID Card information, I received the following error when clicking on
Pages --> Edit Page Properties

"An error occurred"
"Application error"

New installation - CMS Version 3.6.0

I seem to be able to move around the Admin menu choices, except for the Pages section.  Edit page properties, Create a page, Organize pages and Draft all produce the same error.

If I log out, the "Congratulations, you have successfully installed Seotoaster V3" page appears, telling me to go to the admin console.

1 Answer

by (5.4k points)
Hello Russ Thomas,

What PHP version are you using?
You can see more detailed information about this error in your php_error.log on the server.

Best regards, Pavel.
by (420 points)
Thanks for answering so quickly!!

PHP version is PHP 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.19

php_error.log was not found on the system.
by (5.4k points)
Could you provide login details to the website to private messages?

Best regards, Pavel.
by (5.4k points)
Depending on your server settings, you can enable this log. You can also enable error display by changing the values in this file seotoaster_core/application/configs/application.ini
phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
phpSettings.display_errors = 1
resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 1

Don't forget to return these values to 0 afterwards.
by (5.4k points)
I managed to find a bug and I passed it on to the developers. We will contact you as soon as we resolve this error. Thank you.

Best regards, Pavel.
by (5.4k points)
edited by
You are currently using MySQL8, which is in the testing phase. For the correct operation of the toaster, use MySQL 5.7 and don't forget to disable strict mode.

Best regards, Pavel.
by (420 points)
Nice job on discovering the bug!  Is that the potential cause of my problem?

I forget, what is the command to install MySQL 5.7, and how to disable strict mode?

Can I keep 8 on the system, and select to use 5.7 for seotoaster?
by (5.4k points)
I would advise you to choose another server where mysql 5.7 is already installed.

How to install MySQL server:

How to disable strict mode is MySQL:

Best regards, Pavel.
by (420 points)
How are you doing at fixing the bug you detected the other day?

By the way, I have the CRM system on another server that runs fine.  What is the difference between CRM and CMS?  They both seem to be 3.6.  If different, please provide the links to download.

Also, I did an update on the server that is running the CMS we have been discussing.  During the process it said MySQL 5.7 is installed.  It didn't mention 8.0 like you said is on the system.

What is the command to determine the version number (I want to check in on the other server that is running CRM)

Can I switch between versions at will?

Is the version really a problem for this application, of did you comment about it before simply because you are just testing it's compatibility inhouse?
by (5.4k points)
At the moment we have the latest package to install, which includes the CPM. You can find detailed information here.

We plan to add support for MySQL8 in future versions. Please follow our updates.

Best regards, Pavel.
by (420 points)
OK, I am SICK of this!

Quick and easy installation, huh?

Tried it again in another directory and got the same "Application Error" message as before.

My other installation at is working fine -- quite possibly with MySQL 8, by the way.

I  am to the point of not wanting to waste any more of my time, so am willing to pay the $75 to have you get it up  and running.  You install it and make it work, and I will pay you.
by (5.4k points)
This server meets the system requirements for installing Seotoaster. Please note that 10.3.38-MariaDB is installed there which is based on MySQL5.7.

You can order the Pro installation of a Seotoaster here

Best regards, Pavel.
by (420 points)
Referring to "This server" I assume means the site.

Please give me the command you used to verify that MariaDB and MySQL5.7 are installed.
by (5.4k points)

you can use the command:
mysql -v

Best regards, Pavel.