Track any given lead's journey on your website from discovery to conversion
SeoToaster CRM Ultimate Edition provides full website analytics through the SeoSamba marketing cloud, including web traffic, visitors details, device/platform/browser usage, geographic data, plus tons of invaluable metrics for keywords, organic searches, landing pages, and search engine rankings.
Deploy our analytics code to your websites or mobile apps and get the entire history associated with any given lead in your SeoToaster CRM Ultimate Edition.
SeoToaster CRM Ultimate Edition also co-exist with all other analytics tools, including Google Analytics. But in order to track visitors actions across all your web properties and applications, and view data right from your CRM contacts timeline, you need to use the free SambaSaaS analytics services.
All you need to do is to register a free account wih SeoSamba, register your websites, then click a checkbox on the SambaSaaS marketing hub to deploy our analytics code to your WordPress or SeoToaster powered CMS/Ecommerce/CRM sites, or if you are using any other technology for your website simply paste our JS snippet code into any other sites to view all your websites key-traffic data in your marketing hub.
Log back into your SeoToaster CRM install and this screen will then list all websites under your free SambaSaaS mmarkeitng hub account.
Just click the websites you'd like to track visitors for from your CRM contacts view and your CRM start mapping your lead's journey throughout your web properties as soon as they open one of your emails, fill a form, download a document, make a purchase, or view a quote.
SeoToaster CRM Ultimate Edition shows you a wealth of data for any given lead which you will not get with your usual free analytics tool.
Find out your lead's IP and even physical address, what platform they browse your site with, the total time spent and on which pages, letting you trace back your prospect's journey with high precision.
This will give you tremendous insight on any specific lead, help you analyze your landing pages and call to actions efficiency, and in turn optimize your conversion rates to ultimately turn higher sales.
More SeoToaster CRM Features
Track leads activities SeoToaster CRM let you bring visitors data across all the devices they use, as well as any number of websites. Deploy our analytics code to your websites or mobile apps and get the entire history associated with a lead in your CRM
Adwords conversion tracking Simply paste in your conversion code into your form field. If you sell physical or digital products, SeoToaster CRM also automatically track and send cart transaction amounts back to your Adwords account so you know exactly what your ROI is.
Email tracking Track your outbound email, who’s opening them, who’s looking at the attachments, then nurture your leads into automated email marketing drip sequences, and easily filter and add emails to Constant Contact, MailChimp or your SambaSaaS Marketing cloud ...
Online quotes Log an opportunity, create confidential quotes, email them, get alerted and initiate a chat session automatically whenever your lead is looking at them. Powerful stuff to convert more leads into sale.
Inbound and outbound call tracking Get a phone tracking number anywhere in the world, display it on your landing page, website, anywhere, and track and record both inbound and outbound calls right under your lead timeline.